Power BI Calendar Tables 📅 Excelerator BI Beginners

Power BI Calendar Tables

Level: Beginners 

First posted May 2015, Updated Feb 2021.  Many aspects of this article also apply to Power Pivot for Excel.

Technically you don’t need calendar tables to use Power BI.  Power BI comes with an inbuilt date capability called “Auto Time Intelligence”.  But the inbuilt capability is very basic, and worse still, it has some negative side effects.  In this article I cover what comes out of the box and the preferred approach of building your own power BI calendar table.

Auto Time Intelligence

Auto time intelligence is the way Microsoft makes it easy to “roll-up” dates into the concepts of Months, Quarters, and Years.  This feature is on by default. You can find (and change) the setting by opening Power BI Desktop and navigating to File\Options and Settings\Options as shown below.  In the section Global\Data Load (shown below) you can turn this feature on/off permanently.

Auto Ti

You can also navigate to Current File \Data Load and turn it on/off just for the active workbook (as shown below).

Auto Ti For File

Auto time intelligence is very basic in its capabilities and it has a number of issues.

  • It only works on calendar years (no fiscal years – unless you are fortunate that your fiscal year is the calendar year).
  • It is always at the day level of granularity.
  • It only rolls up from days to months, quarters and years.  There is no handling of weeks, or trimesters, or ISO (445) calendars, or any other business specific time periods that may be needed.
  • It creates 1 hidden calendar table for every date column in your report.  This fact can make the size of your workbook grow much larger than it would otherwise.
  • Each calendar table is independent; there is no way to model a single slicer to filter multiple date columns (although this can be done in the UI by grouping slicers).

This auto time intelligence is really aimed at absolute beginners who do not want to learn how to model their own data.  My view is that you should turn this feature off and instead build your own calendar table.

Reasons to use a Calendar Table in Power BI

There are many good reasons to create your own calendar table in Power BI.  Building your own calendar table allows you to:

  • Use the filtering power of Power BI to make your reports fast and snappy by accessing relevant columns of data that form part of the calendar table.
  • Filter your reports on attributes such as Year, Month, Quarter across as many data tables as you need (eg Actual Sales, Budget Sales, Stock on Hand) as well as any other aggregation of time you need for your business.
  • Create your own custom view of time that may be different to a standard calendar (such as a 4/4/5 calendar) and/or create your own definition of what is a financial year.
  • Create calendar tables for time periods that are not at the “day” level, eg Month, Year, Minute, etc.
  • Build concepts like a time intelligence calendar table. These can be used to allow a user to select a time horizon from a slicer (e.g. Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Year) and have the report automatically update to reflect that time period.

In some situations you simply must have a calendar table:

  • If you want to use some of the more advanced inbuilt time intelligence functions in DAX (like rolling 13 week sales).
  • Load and report on data that is not at the day level of granularity. 

If you load a “standard” calendar table in Power BI (rules below), you can use the inbuilt time intelligence functions. There are other ways to create time intelligence formulas other than the inbuilt functions, but generally the DAX is a bit more complex.  More on that later.

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Rules for a Standard Power BI Calendar Table

Here are the rules to build a conforming standard calendar table.  You must follow these rules if you want to use time intelligence functions.  You don’t have to follow these rules if you don’t need/want to use the inbuilt time intelligence functions (but it is still good practice particularly if your data is at a “day level” of granularity).

  • You must have a date column in your calendar table
  • The dates in this column must be in a contiguous range that covers the entire period of your data from the first day of the first year of your data to the last day of the last year of your data:
    • No missing dates.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t work weekends, you MUST include ALL dates in the calendar table including weekends.
    • No duplicate dates
  • The calendar table can be marked as “date table” (specifying the date column when prompted).
    Mark As Date Table in a power bi calendar table

    • You must use this step if the calendar table is joined to a data table using a surrogate key (eg if your join is on a text column like DDMMYYYY, which technically is text, not a date).
    • You must use this step if you want to use quick measures to help you write time intelligence functions using your own calendar table.
    • Apart from the 2 scenarios above, this step is not mandatory for the calendar table to work.

Additional Features of a Good Calendar Table

In addition to the above mandatory features (for inbuilt time intelligence to work), there are some things that you should do to get the most out of any calendar table you build.

  • Include columns for every time attribute you want to use in your reporting. eg Year, Month, Week, Day Name of Week etc.
  • Include an integer ID column that starts at 1 and increments by 1 for every relevant column in the calendar.  E.g. create a MonthID column that starts at 1 and increments by 1 for every month without resetting at the end of each year (1,2,3,…12,13,14 etc). This is very useful for writing custom DAX time intelligence formulas.
  • Include a numeric column for every alpha column that needs to be sorted in a specific order.  This is because Power BI columns always sort in alpha numeric order.  So the month column will sort in the order Apr, Aug, Dec, Feb instead of Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr.  You need to include a numeric month column so you can tell Power BI to sort the alpha month column in a different order.  Use the “sort by column” button inside Power BI to change the default sort order of the alpha column.  Also note that the numeric sort column should have a 1 to 1 relationship to the alpha column.  i.e. there should be 1 and only 1 value in the numeric column for each value in the alpha column. (note, this is the easiest way to deploy, however note that technically it doesn’t have to be 1 to 1.  Read about that in Daniil’s blog here )

Sort By Column

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How to Connect Data Tables to a Calendar Table

Load your calendar table into the Power BI data model.  You then need to join your data table(s) to the calendar table using the date column from both tables.  It is also possible to join your data table to the calendar table using a date key column (surrogate key) instead of a date column. This is most common when your calendar table is a different level of granularity than “day”, eg week, month etc.

Below I have joined a data table to the calendar table using the date columns in both.

Date Table Relationship

How to Create a Power BI Calendar Table

There are several ways to create a calendar table for Power BI.

  • Load it from a data warehouse (if you have one)
  • Build one in Excel
  • Build one in Power Query
  • Use DAX table functions

Excel Calendar Tables

I think that Excel is the most flexible because you can hard code any value you need. This can be good if you have variable business rules as to when your year starts (eg for 445 calendars).  Just create a blank worksheet and start adding the columns you need.  You can use formulas in your columns to calculate the values for Year, Month etc.  Eg you can use =YEAR([Date]) to create a year column from your date column, although this generally only works for regular calendars (not 4/4/5 calendars etc).  Just hard code the values that don’t follow any formula logic.


Import the data from your Excel workbook into every Power BI workbook where you need a calendar table.

Power Query Calendar Tables

My preferred approach to building a calendar table is to use Power Query. Once you write the query it is “set and forget”. The table will automatically grow as time progresses (not something that will happen with Excel).  I have a separate blog article on how to do this in Power Query.


If you want to learn Power Query, checkout the details of the Power Query Online training course.

DAX Table functions

While it is possible to build a calendar table using DAX functions, I do not recommend this approach. I believe in using Power Query to prepare the data where possible, hence that is my recommendation for most use cases.  You can use the SQLBI calendar table template if you want to use DAX.  But be warned, the DAX is 1,500 lines of code.

How to use a Week or Month Calendar

So far I have only talked about daily calendars.  If you want to use the inbuilt time intelligence functions then you must use a daily calendar as described above.  However if your data is at a weekly or monthly level of granularity and you don’t want/need to use the inbuilt time intelligence functions, then you can use a week or month calendar instead.  The difference is that the in-built time intelligence functions won’t work. Note you can still create your own custom time intelligence formulas but the DAX is generally harder to write (intermediate level DAX).

E.g. Instead of this

Total Sales FYTD =
     TOTALYTD([Total Sales], 'Calendar'[Date], "30/6")

You would need to write something like this

Total Sales FYTD =
          [Total Sales],
                 'Calendar'[FinYear] = MAX('Calendar'[FinYear]) &&
                 'Calendar'[FinWeek] <= MAX('Calendar'[FinWeek])

I have a comprehensive blog article about time intelligence here https://exceleratorbi.com.au/dax-time-intelligence-beginners/

In addition, in a weekly or monthly calendar, you generally don’t use a date column but instead create some other unique time stamp ID to join the tables.  e.g., you can create a column like YYYYWW as the key (2101 for Week 1 2021, 2102 for Week 2 2021 etc).  Just make sure the same logic is used in your calendar table and also in your data table(s).  Same applies if you want to use months as your data granularity.  This is a snippet of a typical weekly calendar that would use the FinYearWeek column as the key to join to the sales table.

Weekly Calendar Table

Note that it is important to use YYYYMM and not MMYYYY for a key column.  YYYYMM will naturally sort in chronological order where as MMYYYY will not.

27 thoughts on “Power BI Calendar Tables”

  1. Good post, Matt. What are your thoughts regarding a calendar table only including the dates in your fact table vs. having a calendar table which has dates prior/after the dates in the fact table?

    Thanks for your input.

    1. When you say “only including the dates in your fact table” I assume you mean that they are bound by the earliest and latest dates. You definitely want to load every date in the period in a calendar table – it must be a superset. Regarding starting at the beginning of the year and pushing out to the end of the year, this is a “requirement” if you are going to use the inbuilt time intelligence functions (such as DATEADD). If you write your own custom time intelligence, then it is not required. Personally, I have written plenty of inbuilt time intelligence functions that work just fine without extending the date range, but I do recall 1 that didn’t work. If you want to be safe, then extend them back and forward. The downside of pushing forward is that you get calendar over run (I have a video about to drop on YouTube about that).

  2. “The table will automatically grow as time progresses (not something that will happen with Excel)”
    If you have Excel 365 then you can make expand automagically 🙂

    In A1 – Type 2017
    In A2 – Type YEAR(TODAY())

    In B1 – You can type =SEQUENCE(DATE(A2,12,31)-DATE(A1,1,1)+1,1,DATE(A1,1,1),1)
    This will generate a Dynamic Spill Array of Dates for 01-Jan-2017 till 31-Dec-Current Year

    The Rest of the Columns of the Calendar can be based on this Spill array


      1. Maciej Mikołaj Kopczyński

        That is true, TODAY() is a volatile functions. Something needs to trigger the recalculation in the workbook. Simple open&close would do the trick but as You mentioned – this part kills the automatation objective. Great article!

  3. Hi Matt,

    A little quirk I found playing around with a calender table. I created a table in Excel and “pasted” it into Power Pivot.

    The first 12 days of each month changed from “dd/mm/yy” (Aust setting) to “mm/dd/yy” (US setting). The remaining dates (13th to 30th etc) were fine.

    I did as you have explained and created a separate table in a separate file and all is fine.



  4. Hi Matt, Its been so hard to customise week number based on dates , but I see you have done nicely in your sheet. ID for week which is customised. Using the function WEEKNUM gives the weeknumber starting from JAN till Dec which is not my purpose.

    Please show how to customise the week ID number

    1. The reason there is no standard option here is because there is not standard. I have this on my list of blog articles to write in the future. If you can email me a set of repeatable rules that tell me how your week number is calculated, I can take a look.

  5. Ruben van den Bovenkamp

    Hi Matt, I can’t seem to find a formula that works with Month ID (not even on the links you post to other blog).
    Can you help me in using MonthID to refer to last month? How does the dax know the ID of the current month?

  6. Hi Matt.

    How would I calculate previous month total sales if my date table is on a monthly granularity when using a date key? (ie YYYYMM format). I want to calculate the MoM change to compare previous months budget to this current month. I cannot simply use DATEADD functions as I cannot use the inbuilt time intelligence in this scenario.

    Any help would be appreciated here as I cannot seem to find a solution online anyway for my problem. I have tried this formula but it is returning an error:

    Total Budgets LM =
    [Total Budgets],
    FILTER (
    ALL ( ‘Calendar Creation Table'[DateKey] ),
    FILTER (
    VALUES ( ‘Date'[DateKey] ),
    ‘Date'[DateKey] – 01
    = EARLIER ( ‘Calendar Creation Table'[DateKey] )
    ALL ( ‘Date’ )

    1. You are close. Read my article here https://exceleratorbi.com.au/dax-time-intelligence-beginners/

      Then, make sure you have a MonthID Integer column in you calendar table, starting at 1 and increasing by 1 for every month, forever. eg month 1 in the second year will be 13. Month 12 in the second year will be 24 etc. You then use this Month ID column in your formula (following the instructions I provide on the page linked above). Post back how you go.

      1. Hi Matt.
        Went extremely well.

        I now have the MTD figures for previous months, as well as 2 months ago. I struggled with this a lot at first, so thank you so much for your help and great article.

  7. Hi Matt,

    If my data table is reporting monthly granularity, do I need to have a calendar table that is using daily granularity? I can’t see how I would be able to create a relationship between the two if they’re not using the same granularity.

    1. You don’t need a day calendar if your data is monthly. Just create a yymm column in both to join the tables. Be aware that inbuilt time intelligence won’t work – you have to write your own custom time intelligence. Read my time intelligence in my knowledge base

  8. Hi Matt,

    I have created a calendar table in Power BI and I can sort by month. My data start from Jun 2016 to March 2017. The problem comes when the year increases – from 2016 to 2017. Then the date is displayed as 2017 months first and then 2016 months. i.e. Jan, Feb, Mar, Jun, Jul, Aug…….

    I tried creating a column YYYYMM and tried to index the month name using that column in DAX. But I get an error “.. You cannot sort the Month Name column by YearMonthIndex. You cannot have more than one value in YearMonthIndex for the same value in Month Name.”

    How can I sort the months so that the roll over of year will not cause a problem?

    Thanks in advance.

  9. Hi Matt,

    I was working on one report and couldn’t actually complete it on PowerBI due to my limited knowledge. I have been asked to created a bar graph that shows previous years performance on right side like one bar for 2014, one for 2015 and then current years months and at the end it should show me YTD. Is it possible to do it on powerbi

  10. Hi Matt:
    I have followed the steps from various online sources to create a calendar file. I created a relationship for the calendar table to the functional table. When I drag a calendar field (month or quarter) in to columns or rows, they appear as expected. When I pull data from the other table, the data fields disappear. I have researched for the last few days and checked formatting for the joined date fields. Nothing seems to be working. The date field on my data table does include time values. I suspect this is the culprit based on articles and videos I’ve research, but I can’t find the right solution to correct the problem. Can you help?

    1. Yes, the time stamps would cause this problem. You need to strip the timestamps off your data. The best way is to do this on data load. Can you load the data from Power Query? If so, you can convert from date/time to date prior to load. This is the best approach. If this is not an option, you could add a new calculated column in your data table and write a formula to display just the data portion. This is very inefficient and I don’t recommend it, but at least you could test that this solves the problem. I am sure it will.

  11. Hi Andre

    ALLSELECTED will respect the initial filter context on slicers and filters (ignoring rows and columns). So if you have 2 slicers (one for year, one for month) it will respect both. The process to solve these problems is to think in “English” (not DAX) about the steps to solve the problem (while thinking like the power pivot engine), then converting the solution to DAX.

    In English: you want to remove all current filters from the initial filter context and then reapply a new filter only to the current selected year. So how about harvesting the year selected using an aggregator and then re-apply a filter to that year only. Something like this.

    =CALCULATE([measure] , FILTER(ALL(Calendar) , calendar[year]=max(Calendar[Year]) ) )

    1. Thank you Matt, that works a treat. I extended the concept to an AVERAGEX function with great success (bye-bye calculated column chewing up all my memory!)

  12. Hi Matt, when using monthly granularity for the date table, how would I calculate the annual total of an expression for a year selected on a slicer regardless of the month selected on a different slicer?

    I’m having trouble understanding the difference between these trial and error attempts and why they invariably end in error:

    =CALCULATE([Measure],FILTER(Calendar, all(Calendar[Month of year]);
    =CALCULATE([Measure],FILTER(Calendar, allselected(Calendar[Year]);
    =CALCULATE([Measure],FILTER(all(Calendar), allselected(Calendar[Year]);
    =CALCULATE([Measure],FILTER(Facttable, all(Calendar[Month of year]);

    And other permutations of the above.. some give me incorrect results and others are nonperformant to the point of forcing me to reach for the Esc key.

    What am I missing here?

  13. The only way I know to do that is with the Excel approach mentioned above (but it would work with SQL Server etc too). You have 1 master workbook for your calendar and import it in each workbook where you need it. But it is hard to manage the over run issue this way. The trouble will always be if you add/delete a column, it won’t auto flow into each workbook. You will need to go to table properties and change the column settings to make it flow. But that is pretty easy.

    Currently the approach I take is to save my power query code in a blank workbook and save it as a template. When I need a new workbook with a calendar, I just use that template. If I forget (which I do) I have the code saved in One Note and I just cut and paste it into a blank query. If I need to change it, I change it in my master template and then update my copy in One Note. When I get to a workbook that needs updating, I just replace the Pq code at that time. Not ideal, but at least this way your calendar is getting incrementally better each time. At some point you will have nailed it and won’t need any more changes. If you don’t have everything I mentioned above, I recommend you add these things. You can always filter out columns you don’t need, or just leave them in – they won’t hurt.

    1. Interesting approach that I need to study…the more I read about powerquery the more I think I need to take a bunch of time and learn it like I have powerpivot.

      Right now I’m trying to reduce the number of files to reduce duplication of tables such as the calendar but I’m getting to the point where some of the files are starting to show performance issues.

      Thanks for the quick repsonse!

  14. Matt…
    Nice post….
    Do you have any suggestions for keeping calendars in sync in multiple files? I’m finding I need more than one powerpivot file (likely will settle on 3) but need the same calendar in each. I tend to make additions to one calendar and then realize I need to update the other 2 files.

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