Power BI for the Business Analyst Online Training - With Excelerator BI 🥇

Power BI for the Business Analyst Online Training

Are you looking to learn Power BI from an Industry Expert?

Pbi For Biz Analyst No ShadowIf you want to learn Power BI from end to end at your own pace, and at an extremely affordable rate, then this is the right course for you.

This training is available via Skillwave Training platform.

With this training, you will learn

  • how to create different types of Power BI Reports and share them in Power BI.com.
  • how to get, clean and transform raw data to make it useable in the reports.
  • how to model your data with DAX to extract your business data insights that can be reported.

At the end of this course, you will become a Power BI Ninja, a Reporting Expert, a Data Wrangler, and a Data Modeller.

Why Should You Attend This Training?


Power BI for the Business Analyst is a structured, online training course that will help you start your Power BI journey the right way, the very first time.

No Pre-Requisites

You do not require to have any pre-requisites for this training. It is absolutely a beginner's course.

Learn Power BI Reports

You will learn the various features of Power BI and create different types of interactive and user-friendly reports.

Learn Power Query

You will learn to get data, clean and transform it to make it useable for reporting.

Why Is This The Best Power BI Training?

Power BI for the Business Analyst was developed and is delivered by Matt Allington.

Matt is a Microsoft MVP (Power BI), author of the best-selling book Supercharge Power BI and a renowned trainer.

Matt has a strong business background and understands how real people use data. This is reflected in the training content and delivery.

Matt uses his extensive knowledge of Power BI to make the concepts easy to assimilate even by the beginners.

Matt knows how to make the participants easily understand the complex DAX concepts.

How it works?

On registration, you will get immediate access to the online course material comprising of videos, sample workbooks and practice exercises.

You will get the digital editions of the books Supercharge Power BI and Supercharge Excel that you can download and use through your Power BI journey.

You can start off at your own pace to view the videos and complete practice exercises.

The course is subscription based and initially you will get the validity for one year. So you will have access to the online course content for the whole year.

You can renew your subscription if you wish to yearly.

You can then continue to have the access to the online course content as long as your subscription is active.

Course Content

Power BI Reports

Power BI Dashboards and Apps

Get, Clean and Combine Data

Transform Data

Data Modelling and Writing DAX

Extracting Data Insights

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