My Journey as Microsoft MVP is Coming to an End - Excelerator BI

My Journey as Microsoft MVP is Coming to an End

As you may know, Microsoft has an MVP Programme where it acknowledges and rewards community leaders for their subject matter expertise and contribution to the community. There are many benefits of being an MVP including the recognition (leading to people understanding that you must be doing something right if Microsoft awarded you this), direct access to staff at Microsoft, inside insights to what Microsoft is working on, exclusive access to MVP events as well as things such as free software to help you on your journey.

I first received the Microsoft MVP award for Power BI way back in Oct 2016. Since then, I have received a renewal of that award a total of 7 times, making me an 8-time MVP. If you have been following my blog for a while, you would probably know that I think that life is too short and that I want to retire when I am 60. You can read my article about that here where I explain that retirement looks better than working, to me. I have decided to make 2024 my last calendar year of “work” with retirement coming for me in December this year.

Here is my updated Plan B (the one on the right).  Read about it in the link above.

Plan Ab

I’m the kind of guy that will never be able to relax if I have a “responsibility” to the community. Being rewarded as an MVP creates a responsibility to contribute to the community; this is something I will continue to do but that I no longer wish to carry the burden of being measured for my efforts. I made the decision in Aug-2023 that I would not be renewing this year given I knew I would be retiring at the end of the year.

I sincerely want to thank Microsoft for the 8 great years I’ve had in the programme and for all the support and value it’s added to me. I will still be around, doing what I do. You can find me at where I may even start to blog about stuff. When/If I do that, it will be a much broader focus on things that interest me, not just Power BI.  I am sure I will also continue to support the Power BI community into the future, albeit in my spare time (when not playing golf and generally enjoying life in other ways).

24 thoughts on “My Journey as Microsoft MVP is Coming to an End”

  1. Congratulations Matt! I too will be hanging it up this coming June. Been doing PowerPivot->Power Query->Power Bi since 2010. I’m older than you, and “retired” 2012, but have been working part-time for State of California since then, most recently (well 2017) where I introduced Power BI to the Corrections department. And it has taken off. I remember the wild west days of PowerPivot and grabbing Rob Collie’s books…also remember Rob posting in his blog about you. Your books on Excel and Power BI are still one of the best. Thank you for those and your contributions!

    1. Thanks Ed. As I keep saying, working is over rated. I am looking forward to doing other things, but also dabbling on the side a bit with PBI in areas that interest me.

  2. My journey started in 2014 with add-in Power Pivot / Query. That 32 Bit Version back then still haunts me.
    I think I found your contributions via Rob Collie s website.
    All the best for your next journeys!

    1. Thanks Peter. Oh the days of 32bit Power Pivot 🤦‍♂️. Still revolutionary, of course. That was not as bad as the Office 2013 version. It was Office 2013 that basically forced me to stop teaching Power Pivot and move to Power BI

  3. Wouter Cortebeeck

    The book was and still is the best to recommend to a Power BI starter with some ambition. Thanks and wishing all the best. But will keep checking for new blogs.

  4. Congratulations Matt! I remember listening to podcast with you and hearing your corporate reporting journey at Coke, and thinking how similar our paths were. I will always push your DAX book in my course. Thanks for being a great representative for the business side users!

  5. Thanks for everything you did for the community Matt, I really enjoyed and learned a lot from your blogs. In Advance have a great life ahead.

  6. I appreciate your honest, Matt and always been admired of your work and the value it brings!!

    I completely support your decision and greatful of all the knowledge that you shared!!

    Wishing you the best of luck for your new journey and I wish you enjoy it much better than previous one ☝️ You deserve it…

  7. Matt, your DAX book was the first Power BI book I ever bought, and I still highly recommend it to Power BI newbies as their first DAX book. Your book enabled me to transition to a BI career, which has provided well for my family. Much appreciated!

    I hope your retirement exceeds your expectations. Enjoy those precious years.

    Thanks again.

  8. Great parting thought Matt. There’s a burden to get measured. All the best 👍 for everything retirement brings.

    1. Thanks mate. I’m looking forward to continuing the transition of my accumulated assets over to Agile Analytics so that my learnings and training can continue to add value while I’m sitting on the beach.

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