Self Service BI from TechEd 2014 cont... - Excelerator BI

Self Service BI from TechEd 2014 cont…

Those that didn't make my list

This post is a continuation of my last post where I started to provide a curated view of content from TechEd 2014 from the perspective of a Self Service BI professional.  Inevitably if I am to share with you the best of the sessions, there are going to be some that don’t make my list.  Rather than ignore those sessions on my blog, I have decided to create a list of the sessions that I have viewed that don’t make my “best of” list.  Rather than post each time I find one of these, I will instead come back to this post and edit it with the latest “didn’t make it” sessions.

Session Why it didn’t make my “best of” list.
All you need to know about Microsoft Power BI for Office 365 – Michael Tejedor When Michael starts this session, his first comment was that the session title had changed from his brief.  The session is really a “Power BI Overview”, and for this reason it doesn’t make my list.  It was VERY high level, more like a show and tell rather than a learning experience.  If you have never seen Power BI for Office 365 or Excel, then this is a good intro session.  If you already know what these tools are, there won’t be much for you in this session.
Interactive Data Visualization with Power View – Lukasz Pawlowski I watched this session and went in with very low expectations. My expectations were met. You see I have a low opinion of the current (and every previous) release of Power View. I am not saying Microsoft wont get there, but I think it is a long way off where it needs to be if it wants to be competitive with products like Tableau and native Excel – yes I think native Excel is better.Having said that, if you know nothing about Power View, this demo will show you what it can do. The biggest repeating disappointment I have with Power View presentations is that they are all a “dog and pony show”. They show tricks with their toys, but I simply can’t see the business value in the demo’s. Take my advice Microsoft – develop better, more meaningful demos of real business scenarios with your Power View demos.
BI Power Hour I actually think this would have been quite fun to attend if you were at the conference.  It was presented by an awesome bunch of MS BI gurus, but somehow watching a slide version after the conference didn’t really deliver the same experience.  It doesn’t make my list.

Here is a link to all the BI Track sessions at TechEd 2014.

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