Back in 2019 I ran a free webinar introducing Power BI and DAX. Many readers of my blog will already be well ahead of this topic, but then again many of you also probably run into people who would benefit from a simple introduction to DAX. I have decided to publish the recording of this webinar so that anyone that is looking for a simple overview of what Power BI is all about and how you will benefit from learning DAX can watch this presentation. Below is a short registration form to enable you to view the recording from a link sent to your email.
About The Author
Matt Allington
Matt Allington is the Data Professional you want to be trained by. Matt does a phenomenal job of breaking concepts down into easily digestible chunks. He is also the principal consultant at Excelerator BI Pty Ltd. There are 3 main areas where he can help you save months and even years of self-learning: Kickstart Power BI in your organisation, training and consulting. He also brings his 35-year career expertise in business and data analytics directly to you with his high quality Power BI training courses and consulting.
Check out his Public Training and begin your Power BI Ninja journey!