Skillwave - Learn Power BI from Industry Experts - Excelerator BI

Skillwave – Learn Power BI from Industry Experts

Seriously, I am so excited!

And no, this is not an April fool’s joke!  This is an actual picture of Ken, Miguel and me from a few hours ago.

I'm so excited

Introducing Skillwave Training

Today I am super excited to announce that I am teaming up with Power BI/Power Query/Excel gurus Ken Puls and Miguel Escobar (of M is for Data Monkey fame) to create a brand new online learning destination for everything Power BI, Power Query, Power Pivot and Excel.

Skillwave Logo

Why The Timing is Right

The world has changed so much over the last 5 years, let alone the last 5 weeks.  When I started my company Excelerator BI, Power BI wasn’t even a thing.  Originally I was teaching Power Pivot for Excel to a bunch of Excel braniacs that were early adopters into the brave new world of self service BI.  In the 5 years that followed, Microsoft has asserted its leadership in both the self service and enterprise BI space.  No one could be happier about that than Ken, Miguel and me.

Ken and I have been wanting to do something more formal together for some time, and we had a lot of time to chat during our recent world tour.  Ken bounced the idea to me of joining forces with him and Miguel to do something way better than we could each do on our own.  And then came CV-19, and all of a sudden everything headed online at a pace never seen before.  We were already well into talks about how to build the best quality, digital online training destination for Power BI; CV-19 just made it more compelling to go faster.

What is Skillwave, anyway?

There are plenty of resources to learn on the web, and not all of them are of the same depth, breadth and quality. Our vision is that Skillwave will be the best and most trusted online training and learning resource for the Microsoft BI stack (primarily, but not limited to Power BI, Power Query and Excel).  The learning content will be developed by the best in the field meaning you can be assured you will learn the right skills, the right way, first time around.  

If you are a professional that wants to fast track your career and learning, then Skillwave will be the best resource for you.

Stay Up to Date

Ken, Miguel and I plan to launch the new site in the next few weeks.  If you want to stay up to date with further announcements about Skillwave, please visit our website (where you will find a button to subscribed).

What do you think?

We would love to hear what you think.  Please post any comments you may have in the comments below.


25 thoughts on “Skillwave – Learn Power BI from Industry Experts”

  1. Steffen Fischer

    Hello Matt,

    I have registered for news about skillwave training, but I still miss the confirmation about it.

    Can you register me for news about skillwave?


  2. Looking forward to this. Will the curriculum be for beginners as if you are starting from scratch- or will there be a more advanced module for folks who are not new to PowerBI but just want to up their game? Thanks.

  3. This is big news. I’ve signed up for Skillwave updates, and just added “Skillwave” to my spell-check dictionary as it is apparently a new word. Matt, as you know I’ve been following your stuff for years, have read your books and been inspired by your story. I am genuinely looking forward to the “good stuff” this new JV will bring to the table for Power Query / Power Pivot / Power BI enthusiasts like myself.

    1. We are still working it through, but there are 2 things for sure.

      1. All my online training content on my site is sold as 3 years access from date of purchase, that won’t change.
      2. I will be migrating my online training content to the new site for new purchases.

      1. But that will be for one year not three years. I am thinking to purchase “Supercharge Power BI Online”, as a new customer I will be getting one year service with your new partnership. But other than that congratulation, because Ken and Miguel knows power query very well and Ken delivers any concept very easily.

        1. The training content on my site is static, and was offered for 3 years. That was a somewhat arbitrary period that I set when I started. I don’t know of any customer accessing the content in years 2+. At Skillwave we are aiming for more dynamic content, with ongoing improvements over time adding value in years 2+. The PQ content at Skillwave is very comprehensive, and my new approach to an annual subscription to my live Q&A, Semester based course “Supercharge Power BI” is proving to be very successful and popular. I hope to see you there

  4. I’m so very happy for you on your new venture. I will continue to subscribe and sign up for your classes.
    All the best,

  5. Hi Ken, Matt and Miguel,

    This is a fantastic idea and I wish you all the best. Looking forward to the Go-live of Skillwave. After 7+ years of working with Power Query and Power Pivot, now over the past 4 years working with PowerBI. This is something much needed. As I am currently training those on my team in PowerBI, look forward to integrating Skillwave in the future.



  6. Steffen Fischer

    Hello Matt, Ken and Miguel!

    I think that is an great idea! The two founders of Power Query Academy and Matt Allington from Excelerator BI can build a great connection for power query, power pivot and pIower bi training plattform!

    I’m very excited about your new project skillwave training!

    Wish you all the best for it!

    Best regards

  7. Hi Matt,
    This sounds really cool!
    With Power BI, Power Query it is endless the amount that needs to be learnt, and more importantly understood, and I think it is really exciting that you are all working together. I am sure you will bring together great content.
    Looking forward to the updates.

  8. Wayne Edmondson

    Hi Matt.. sounds great.. congrats. Looking forward to it! By the way, when I click on the link above for “simply register for updates”.. I get to the welcome page, but nothing happens when I click the register button.. so.. couldn’t register. I assume you will get that fixed soon. Good luck with the launch.. it’s a new world.. in so many ways today. Cheers!

    1. Sorry Wayne, I’m not sure what the issue is. I will register you. You should have taken you to the welcome page. There is a subscribe button there and that should launch a popup to register. Maybe popups are disabled on your machine?

  9. I’m looking forward to your new training. I’ve read many articles and watched many videos by each of you. All well done and extremely helpful. Thanks!

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