CALCULATE - Excelerator BI


Matts World Tour

Matt’s Power BI World Tour

I have been planning for various speaking and training events over the last 6 months and these events are now rapidly approaching.  As it turns out, it seems I have a bit of a world tour planned and so I wanted to share these plans with you in the hope […]

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Large Customer Sales

The FILTER Function in DAX Part 2

Level: Intermediate In my last article, I introduced the basics of the DAX FILTER() function. Hopefully that introductory explanation to FILTER() helped you get your head around what FILTER() is doing under the hood. With that knowledge in place, let me help you take your understanding to the next level. […]

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Final Chart 2

Pareto Analysis in Power BI

Level: Intermediate Pareto Analysis is a statistical technique that applies the Pareto Principle to data. This is more commonly known as the 80:20 Rule. The Pareto Principle is based on the presumption that a relatively small number of inputs (20%)  have most impact on the results/output (80%).  The 80:20 rule […]

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Simple Filters and Syntax Sugar in DAX functions

Level: Intermediate There is a concept in the DAX language called “Syntax Sugar”.  Simply put, the developers have created simplified versions of more complex formulas to make it easier for people to learn and use the DAX functions.  Here are a couple of examples. Total Sales Syntax Sugar = SUM(Sales[ExtendedAmount]) […]

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Time Intelligence Using DAX

Level: Intermediate Last week I presented a webinar with Chuck Sterling (from Microsoft) on the topic of Time Intelligence.  This was a YouTube broadcast event that anyone could join live, however it has also been recorded and can be watched at any time (see below). This article is a follow […]

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