Excelerator Blog - Articles on Power BI, DAX, Data Modelling & more

Exploding Measures using Tabular Editor 3

What?! Exploding Measures I hear you say. Exploding, expanding, use which ever word you like; what I mean is when you want to remove any refence to a measure INSIDE another measure. Example Consider the 3 measures below. Total Sales = SUM(Sales[ExtendedAmount]) Total All Product Sales = CALCULATE([Total Sales],ALL(Products)) % […]

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Dataflow 101 Practical Guide For Business Users Blog

Dataflows 101

Matt here.  I want to do a brief introduction prior to handing over to Roland.  I have known Roland for a couple of years now – he is a member of the Sydney Power BI User Group.  What I didn’t know until very recently is that he has the same […]

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